Thursday, March 24, 2016


They say that the best conversations happen late at night, but with my family I've noticed they always happen in the car.  When I turn the music down, listen to my kids about how their day at school was, or what happened at recess, or what they learned about at Sunday School I can really get a feel for the heart of my children.

I'm starting this blog as an encouragement to my friends, as a reminder to myself of their child-like faith at this age, and as a journal for my kids to remember their childhood.  I hope it helps someone else along the way.

It's hard in the day-to-day of being a mom to be a good listener.  You have your list of tasks to be done, clothes to wash, errands to run, ingredients for the evening's dinner.  But if we take the time to slow down and listen, beautiful things can happen.

I read a blog post to not ask, "How was your day?" to your kids because you just get short answers like "Good" or "Bad" or that dreaded "Fine".  Maybe I just have kids who like to talk (hmmm wonder who they inherited that from?) but mine will talk my ear off, at least at this point.  I do like to ask questions that get more than one word responses, but most of the time my kids want to ask a million questions and sometimes ask more questions before I've even answered!

What follows is our story....

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